Our Service Guarantee
At First National Real Estate Coastal, we strive to exceed your expectations when it comes to the care of your investment property.
Our Service Guarantee assures you of careful screening of rental applicants, prompt attendance to maintenance, thorough routine inspections, just to name a few.
As with every element of our real estate services, ‘We put your first’.
We Guarantee
- To establish the rental value of your property by comparing your property to similar properties currently let
- To interview all prospective tenants
- To check the references of all prospective tenants
- To ensure that the tenancy agreement is completed in writing and signed for the protection of all parties
- To prepare a comprehensive written & photographic inspection record of the property at commencement and completion of the tenancy
- To ensure a rental bond is lodged
- To check that rents are paid promptly in accordance with the tenancy agreement
- To carry out regular inspections of your property and provide you with written reports
- To account to you monthly or bi-monthly in writing for rental monies collected
- To arrange repairs and maintenance according to your instructions and ensure they are carried out in a professional manner
- To pay all accounts on your behalf as instructed
- To inspect the property at the completion of the tenancy and refund bond monies only when the condition is satisfactory
- To review rents to market regularly
- To provide a written end of financial year report
Should we fail to provide any of the above services you are at liberty to cancel your Managing Agency Agreement or we will refund the last three months management and collection fees from the time you notify the Principal.